Sunday Mornings

Elliott Lutz
Senior Pastor
Welcome to The Fountain!
Whether you have joined us in worship or not, we are happy you are here to learn more about life at The Fountain. If you have questions, or have trouble finding anything on our website, please feel free to contact us through email or phone.
Our Hospitality Team in the Welcome Area is available to answer questions you may have or assist you in any way. At your first visit you will receive an information packet, special gift and tour; families who have recently moved to the area also receive an informational packet from the Kernersville Chamber of Commerce.
Each Sunday we offer a 8:30am Traditional Service and 11am Contemporary Service.
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both services.
Meet Our Staff & Leadership Teams
Plan Your Visit
Discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following Jesus, loving one another, and serving the world!
What to Expect
In the Welcome Area you are invited to stop by the Communion Station and pick up a communion pack if you prefer to participate in holy communion by staying in your pew. For those that picked up a communion pack in the welcome area, these communion packs will be consecrated during the service. For those that wish to receive communion at the altar rail, ushers will invite you forward to receive communion at that time.
On Sundays pull in to any parking spot and greeters will welcome you to enter through the front Sanctuary doors!
Traditional Worship • Sundays 8:30 am
This worship service is a more liturgical style led by the organ, piano, and choir.
Contemporary Worship • Sundays 11 am
This worship service is a more contemporary style led by the band.
During Worship
Babies/Toddlers Up through 3 Years Old
A staffed nursery, located adjacent to the Sanctuary, will be available for both services.
Children 4 years and Up
Sit wherever it is easiest for you:
Children are naturally curious, try sitting close to the front so they can see and follow along!
Bring Activities or Books:
We are unable to offer Children’s Church or Quiet Activity Bags at this time, feel free to pack crayons and coloring books from home.
Children learn by copying us:
Help explain what is going on during worship. Sing, pray, read along so your children can hear you.
Lastly… Relax!
Adult, Youth, and Child Classes
Between Worship Services on Sundays at 9:50am
Children’s Sunday School is hosted by two adult leaders each week and will include a short Bible Study plus a fun game or activity.
Preschool (Age 3-5) : Room 3
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade : Room 5
3rd Grade – 5th Grade: Room 6
For your convenience, we offer a safe and secure nursery during the Sunday school hour and both worship services on Sunday mornings.