CrossWalk 2024
2024 Cross Walk
March 29 11:30am
It will be the thirty-fifth Cross Walk — that is a milestone. As in past years, we will begin gathering in what is now the old Food Lion parking lot, at 617 North Main Street, at 11:30 am. By Noon, we will have issued instructions, shared scripture, joined in prayer and started the walk escorted by our local police.
Along with the large cross, carrying will be shared, KCMF will have a limited supply of smaller, handheld wood crosses for participants to carry. These are limited to the first 100 or so. As we process, we will walk in silence through the downtown area and finish at Mt. Gur Cemetery with a few minutes of reflection. It is our hope to have a local congregation’s church bus to follow the procession for those who are unable to walk or who are unable to complete the route. The walk usually takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and is about 1.5 miles in length. The walk will occur rain or shine, so please dress accordingly.
To avoid liability issues, please refrain from bringing your animals to the walk. Pets in a large crowd create potential problems. Also, be aware that weapons are not permissible at the walk as pertaining to Chapter 12-22 (c) of the town’s parade ordinance.